So, let’s have a look at the latest leader in the betting for the Tory leadership, Mr Dominic Raab;
He certainly seems to have a lot to say for himself:
Which “business club” within his Esher and Walton constituency could be giving donations to Mr. Raab but would want to maintain the address a secret I wonder?
Well prominent amongst it all is the Esher and Walton Connect, and look what comes up when you put that postcode into Endole:
Well surely not another Masonic lodge!? Aether Lighting comes out of Yomtov Elizer Jacob’s den:
Yomtov is linked to Gareth Winston Roberts, another door-slammer in Amlwch on Anglesey don’t you know?
This is where Ynni Parys Energy was registered, at the foot of Parys Mountain:

Back to the Raab connection, and One 2 See Signs Ltd comes out of Waterlow Nominees and Waterlow Secretaries:
As for the directors of the Masonic Lodge, Geoffrey Cameron is linked to Ashok Bhardwaj through Nashcare Ltd;
As for Geoffrey Cameron himself? Well, there’s no relation to ex Prime Minister David Cameron as far as I undrstand it, but David Cameron’s Dad’s Blairmore Holdings company was linked to Mossack Fonseca and named in the Panama Papers.
David Cameron somehow managed to slither his way out of that one when he was Prime Minister, but I don’t think that story has even got off the ground yet. More will come out of the woodwork on that one. Of that there is no doubt.
Anyway, back to Geoffrey Cameron, and lo and behold he takes us straight into Staines Masonic Hall…the first on the list of his Directorship links!
On there, you’ll see Michael Crumper, a director of Endurance Lighting, of which Aether Lighting (above) is a director. How enlightening?
He gives armoured executive protection it would appear:
His older brother David Crumper, is involved in this company as well as Michael. Why is there always a connection to a “Temple” or a “Quadrant” I wonder? Ah well, that’s just another coincidence, surely?
Raab also has links to Big Brother Watch Ltd out of ThinkTank central, coming out of 55 Tufton Street:
And then take a look at Matthew Jim Elliott’s directorships;
Yes you’ve got that right – he was concurrently a director of the Yes Campaign and Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd both on the Remain side, and then No Campaign and Business for Britain Ltd, both on the Leave side! That seems to be an extraordinary set of directorships to hold,which includes Big Brother Watch…..and nobody noticing apart from the Pandora’s Box Investigations Limited team! It seems truly Big Brother in action!
And then look at this as well: Britain in Europe Ltd out of 22,Tynsall Avenue Redditch (B97 5SE):
Out of the same address is Leadsom4Leader! Well Andrea Leadsom was a prominent campaigner on the Leave side! You really couldn’t make this $hit up could you!?
B97 5SE endole reveals the following:
So when Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the leadership campaign against Theresa May, someone in May’s camp may have seen this glaring conflict of interest!
Don’t believe a word a politician says without delving into their background and find out what their agenda is.
It’s all about Following the Money and where it goes…and to whom!